Hot Water
So I truly experienced the saying "you don't know what you have until you've lost it" or rather my saying today was "you don't realize how much you will misplace blame onto your husband until your hot water doesn't work". As many of you know, we are staying at Gerald and Jenni's piso in Donostia, Spain.
All day yesterday I couldn't get the hot water to work to wash dishes. I just figured it was slow to warm up as it had been in days past and I put the dishes in the dishwasher anyways.
Today, however, when I woke up there still wasn't hot water. And I am ashamed to say that not only did I let the water run a long time to see if it would warm up, but I also totally thought that my husband was the reason for the hot water not working. While this had nothing at all to do with him and I didn't outright say this to him, this was in my mind. Still all the more reason to ask him for forgiveness! Thankfully, he forgave me.
I hadn't washed my hair for two days - don't be grossed out - but I can't wash my hair everyday anyways. So this led to Chris and I staring at the hot water heater that you see in the picture below. One thing about hot water heaters here in EusalHerria, the symbols are different. So, of course my husband being the awesome guy he is, didn't want to press to many buttons at first - he didn't want anything to blow up or something crazy like that. After 10 minutes however, we started turning knobs and whatever else looked like something that we could push. But to our avail, nothing worked and worse yet we couldn't call Jenni and Gerald because it would have been 12am their time. Thankfully there were some numbers on the machine. The first, however, didn't work - which only added fuel to my irrational fire in my mind, the second worked and so we scheduled for a guy to come tomorrow to see what was wrong with the water heater. And I emailed G and J to email us as soon as they could.
Our friends, Derek and Mandy, thankfully let us shower at their house!
At about 7pm, we received an email back from Gerald telling us about this "switch" that maybe was turned off. SO I RAN to the kitchen with his descriptions and turned the switch on and WE HAD POWER.
This little switch is not only in the weirdest spot in the kitchen where the water heater is located also, but there is NO LABEL!!!! See Picture
The water heater is on the left with pictures on it, the water heater "switch" is over by the sink, above the glass pitcher and next to the outlet, it's a cream colored rectangle!!! Tell me that is not totally bizarre!
And can you imagine that the water heater guy coming tomorrow and the only thing he needed to "fix" was to turn on the "switch"- how embarrassing that would have been. Thank you God!